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Area of specialization

Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology and Phytochemistry of natural products

Brief bio-sketch

Professor Margaret Oluwatoyin Sofidiya is an academic and a researcher in the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos. In addition to teaching, her research interests are primarily in bioactive natural products; chemical profiling and biological function of natural products. Of particular interest are natural products that have antiulcer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties.  

In line with her research interest, she has published several papers in reputable peered reviewed scientific journals and won academic award including the 2008 Best Researcher Award in Science from the University of Lagos.

She has mentored over 50 undergraduate and postgraduate students and currently has 3 PhD students. She is a member of Nigeria Society for Pharmacognosy, American Society of Pharmacognosy and Society for Medicinal Plant Research and Natural Products.